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Comedy review g hall

For this assignment I watched taladaga nights. I haven't seen the film in a while, so I decided to watch it again cause I forgot what it was all about. So I actually love this movie. It's a good plot with AMAZING actors. Because they were so convincing and so funny. And there were touching parts every family can relate to. It's humor is a little edgy but not too much. It's about just a very disfinctional family. And I think it provides a funny satire of nascar and the things that go on. The whole movie is full of jokes and there is never a dull moment. Which I love because it hate sad movies.  Even with the crude comedy I found myself always feeling for Ricky Bobby and he struggles parts of the movie were truly touching. 8/10

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Unknown said...

ten bucks you didn't even watch it

Unknown said...

ten bucks you didn't even watch it

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