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13 Hours "in Benghazi"

Today I saw 13 Hours. This movie takes place in Benghazi Lybia at a undocumented secret CIA compound. Honestly before I saw this movie I really had no idea about the events that are taking and have taken place there. This movie was an extreme eye opener for me about what is going on outside of the USA. Throughout the movie many different camera angles were used. I noticed times of suspense where the camera really zoomed in on bad or good guys faces to give the audience a feel of what emotions were being felt then giving us that same or opposite emotion. There were also a lot of panoramic views of the Benghazi area showing different places of where the action was going to take place. One of the things I liked most about the movie were the "body guards" for the CIA compound. Each of them had their own personality and each actor displayed this extremely well. However they all had one thing in common, they would die for their country. To see these six American Heros take on over thirty bad guys to protect the other Americans at the compound is amazing. It kept me on my toes throughout the whole time, it was long, but it did not feel that way. This movie made me feel like I knew each actor/guy personally because I felt whatever emotion they were feeling. Not all movies can be interesting as well as entertaining/interesting but 13 Hours was all of this combined. I rate this movie a solid 9/10.

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