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*wants to learn how to play drums after seeing Wayne's World*


There are so many movies that function as time capsules, and the music comedy Wayne's World is a way to see the hilarity and glamour of the 1990's.  With cultural references, and a brilliant soundtrack that not only encompassed the early 90's, but moved the movie along, this SNL inspired movie was a huge hit.  I had no expectations going into watch this movie, in fact I didn't even know that is was SNL skit(I googled it after then proceeded to watch these videos for an hour).  Just like most people who see this movie, my favorite part is easily the beginning with the guys in the car singing Bohemian Rhapsody only because in my car that is exactly how I act when that song comes on and even 20 years later this song is still known by most people.   The film is kind of shot like a documentary, where the main characters talk to the camera, always making the watcher feel like they are standing in the room observing the scene.  The camera also keeps sneaking up on the main characters, and according to some websites, this type of filming was to actually satirize Citizen Kane’s constant tracking of the main characters.  Both Citizen Kane and Wayne’s World keep some shots just a little bit too long, making them uncomfortable as well.  Another interesting part of the movie is that there were three different endings: The apocalypse ending(everything burns down), the Scooby Doo ending(where Rob Lowe gets captured and is actually an “Old Man Wither”) and the Mega Happy Ending(where Cassandra gets her record deal and everyone gets back together).  Each of these different endings change the way I viewed the film, especially since I was expecting the Mega Happy Ending and it was presented last.  Wayne’s World is great for laughs and even better when you want to rock out to some classic music.  7/10! Party on Wayne! Party on Garth!

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