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As a musical theatre person, Gene Kelly could commit murder and I would be okay with it. This musical picture is simply flawless. The iconic number Singin in the Rain was shot in one take which is extremely hard  to do especially in a four minute tap number. Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor work perfectly opposite each other as they both are great dancers and singers. Jean Haggen steals the show from the main girl played by Debbie Reynolds. Jean plays the role of Lina Lemont a star who excels in silent pictures but has a squeaky voice in real life.
This movie is a great time period piece as it shows the evolution of silent pictures into talkies. Lina faces the problem like most stars of that decade of how to transition into a industry that requires more than just an expressive face (if you want a movie more on that check out my favorite movie Sunset Boulevard). This movie is not only a time period piece, but a love story. Debbie Reynolds' character and Gene Kelly's character fall in love and sing to each other. This movie has a bit for everybody, and I would highly suggest going to see it.

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