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Documentary (Blue Planet)

This week, I watched the Blue Planet documentary. I will be focusing on the first couple of episodes. The Blue planet documentary is a documentary about ocean life, from aquatic birds, to sharks, to deep sea creatures. The narration is done by some british guy, but he has a very educated and soothing voice. The camera shots are mostly tracking animals so there’s not much room for fancy camerawork, especially when some of the animals filmed are incredibly rare. I’d recommend watching the documentary if you’ve got some spare time on your hands, but the content can be a mixed bag. There are really cool bioluminescent rainbow jellyfish that exist in the darkest part of the ocean, but there are also nightmare fuel ocean spiders that walk around on the ocean floor and the always demonic looking angler fish featured. Watching the documentary actually made me not want to go into the ocean because of how freaky some of the deep sea creatures are, even though they could never survive where humans could swim. Regardless, the documentary is polished pretty well and features a surprisingly diverse set of animals. I’d give this documentary 7 demonic ocean floor spiders out of 10 demonic ocean floor spiders. This documentary can be seen on netflix as a multi-part series.

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