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Superbad (Comedy Film)

          As a kid, Superbad (2007) was a movie I always saw commercials for and heard about, but obviously could not see because it was too inappropriate for me. However, it always looked funny to me and I wanted to see it. After forgetting about it for years, a friend recommended I watch this movie, and it fit perfectly into the comedy theme for the week.
          To start, Superbad is one of the most crudely hilarious movies I have ever seen. I definitely enjoyed this film. To mention some of the acting, Michael Sera, Emma Stone, Martha MacIsaac, Bill Hader, and Seth Rogen did incredible jobs. Michael Sera's mannerisms caught the idea of a nerdy teen exceptionally well and I found him to be the most comedic character in the film. Emma Stone and Martha MacIssac played great counterparts to the boys, and their job acting went above just good supporting roles. Normally, I am not a big Seth Rogen fan, and I find his humor to be tiring after several minutes of screentime. However, seeing him and Hader as buddy cops in this movie restored my faith in his comedy.
          The story in a comedy is not usually that important, and this movie makes no exception, but it was a charming story where I wanted for the success of the protagonists. The only special camera angles I noticed in this film were in scenes where characters were supposed to be seen as drunk. The use of wobbly cameras and odd angles helped to create this effect. This movie did a good job of taking large amounts of crude humor and making it still new and funny each time. There seemed to be little joke recycling. It took crude humor and avoided descending to an Epic Movie or Movie 43 level. I would recommend that all see this comedy classic, and I would rate it an 8.5/10.

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