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Flame and Citron WAR MOVIE

Over this weekend I watched the movie Flame and Citron. Flame and Citron were both apart of a small, secret Danish military group that assassinated people who were either traitors to Denmark and became informs to Germany, or nazi's. At first, I had a bad impression about this movie because they were always talking in Swedish (or Danish I'm not 100% sure) and you had to read the subtitles to know what they were saying and the entire movie was really dark and it was kind of hard to see what was going on. I got really irritated by this and at first I could really disconnected to the movie, but as it got going I started to get interested in it. I started to enjoy this movie, especially since it was based on a true story, and how these two guys were trying to assassinate nazi's to get their country back and the obstacles they had to go through  This movie was full of twists and turns and showed how everyone was lying and trying to manipulate others through love and friendship and how brutal the holocaust was and how carefree the nazi's acted to other people and just killed for no reason. I would have given this movie a 7.5/10 only because I feel like there could have been a little more action and I was very confused as some points of the movie and my mom had to explain it to me and it tried to really connect the audience to the character, but I never did get connected to them. When the Germany army came to kill Flame and Citron, they made it dramatic and sad, but I never had that feeling for them as much as the movie tried to get me to.

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