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The Nativity

I hate this movie from the core of my soul. I remember the first time I watched this was during the 4th grade in class, and I just hated it. I hated the actors. I hated the filiming. There was nothing I ever hated more. I thought I was just young and immature but turns out I was right.
This movie deserved like a .2 on Rotten Tomatos because it was awful. The visual effects were horrible to watch. The acting made me cringe, and the girl who played Mary made me want to vomit. I'm sorry to be mean, but it's true. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
The lighting was what bothered me the most because it just looked fake af. They should have just used a green screen and saved my eyes the misery of looking at that trainwreck for 2 hours.
If I had to tell someone to read the Bible story or watch the movie. I would say read the Bible to understand and watch the movie to laugh. and laugh. and laugh. sooooooooooo baddddd

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