I honestly had no idea what to expect from this movie. I knew there were going to be small leaf people and talking flowers along with some female heroine, other than that, nothing. Despite that, and the fact I was hoping it would capture all of my favorite aspects of a fantasy movie, it didn't live up to what I had hoped. The one thing that got to me that took down the rating would probably have to be the plot. Although it was good it proved stereotypical; more or less if you took Bug's life, and added human characters, you'd have this movie.
Another aspect which took down the rating was the animation itself. By itself, the animation is pretty fantastic, but at certain times, it failed to capture the true spirit of emotion that was going on. At times the animation was almost too human, which while it can be good did nothing to help this movie. In so doing it portrayed characters with less than optimal facial expression, and or little to highlight what emotion was there. There were themes within the movie that needed to be brought out more, such as the grieving daughter missing her mother.
Despite these aspects, the movie was still good. I'd personally recommend it to a younger audience who are looking for a more humanistic approach to fantasy based stories. The one thing this movie does really well is artfully portraying characters with more human characteristics contrary to what one might find in a Disney movie.
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