Mr. Peabody and Sherman is a fast-paced
romp through history. It follows the adventures of a genius dog, Mr. Peabody,
and his adoptive son, Sherman, as they travel through time in Mr. Peabody’s
time machine, visiting famous periods of history, including the French
revolution, ancient Egypt, and the Renaissance. The film’s main plot begins
when Sherman takes the school bully, Penny, back in time to prove a point, and
she refuses to return to the present. Chaos ensues and complications arise as
Sherman and Mr. Peabody attempt to rescue Penny and return home.
loved this movie. I found it genuinely funny. Although it’s a kid’s movie, the
humor was far from dumb, featuring plenty of historical jokes and puns. The
movie is an hour and a half long, standard for a kid’s animated movie, but for
me it flew by, and I couldn’t believe it when it was over. I found the
portrayal of the historical scenes that Mr. Peabody and Sherman encountered
very entertaining. I also liked the animation, which, while not mind blowing,
was certainly very visually pleasing, and probably would have been even better
in 3D. Finally, the movie is full of positive messages. It seems sure to
inspire an interest in history in kids and makes being smart seem cool. It also
portrays a touching father-son relationship. The judgment and hatred that Mr.
Peabody and Sherman face for their unusual relationship and the obstacles the
two face seem to parallel many forms of non-traditional families. The overall
message seems to be that, when it comes to parenting, all that really matters
is love.
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