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Book to Film

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008)

I have never read this book.  My mom did, and she said it was good and very descriptive, conveying the emotions of a confused boy during WWII very well; this is what I think the movie achieved best.  The movie follows a son of a Nazi concentration camp higher up (I forgot what his rank was sorry), and how because of this he lives very close to a concentration camp and occasionally interacts with another boy his age who is Jewish and in the camp.  I did think their friendship was unrealistic and trivialized the actual horrors of what would have happened to this Jewish boy, as the friendship even occurring is a stretch.  However, I like the perspective it offers, the juxtaposition.  The German boy isn't so easily brainwashed like his adult counterparts and questions his environment.  It also shows how easily innocence is destroyed.  Although inaccurate, the Boy in the Striped Pajamas was very emotional and had a strong message.  Even so, I think it probably would've been better as a book.


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