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Animated Film (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)

For my animated film I watched Atlantis: The Lost Empire. I was debating between this and Treasure Planet. I'll be honest I have seen both of these movies. The last time I watched Atlantis was probably 10 years ago so I didn't remember much except the very basics about the movie. I choose this movie because none of the newer animated movies that I could watch looked good at all but I remembered liking this movie as a kid so I figured I would give it a try and see if I liked it now as an adult. I did really like this movie and I definitely think I could appreciate and understand more about this movie than when I was a kid. I don't know why this movie had such mixed reviews from critics (49% on Rotten Tomatoes) but whatever. 

I really loved the animation of this movie, I think the animation is some of the best animation or at least one of my favorites that Disney has ever done. I love the way they animated the city, to me it made it feel more realistic. The plot of the story is semi typical or predictable at some points but I still find it very enjoyable. One of the best parts of the movie is the characters. All of the characters are so different and no one is totally the same. The characters are so diverse and each adds humor to the movie. The movies humor is not necessarily out there jokes but I really enjoyed the humor of the movie. I loved that Milo criticizes mercenaries. One interesting thing about this movie is how high the body count is for a Disney movie. I'd give this movie a 8/10. 

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