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First Position

This week for the documentary I chose to watch "First Position." I watched this documentary because I have been dancing for many years.  Although I am not a ballerina, I am still interested in ballet.  It is a documentary on young dancers trying to make it in the ballet world. I thought they did a really nice job showing all the different backgrounds dancers come from. It shows that in dance, it doesn't matter where you come from, just how hard you are willing to work. Towards the end of the film the movie became more about how the dancers push themselves individually rather than how they place in the Youth American Grand Prix. I thought the filming techniques in this movies were very cool. It felt like a "behind- the- scenes" talent show.  The cameras followed the dancers throughout rehearsals, at home, and during performances, providing greatest sense of connection between the dancers and the audience.  The director mostly uses establishing shots to capture each even and smooth the transitions from dancer to dancer.  I admired a young Asian dancer the most because she shows the most dedication out of all the others.  She is homeschooled so that she can spend the most time possible improving upon her dream.  I can relate to this because some of my friends have gone through the same experience to reach their goals.  I enjoyed this documentary overall, especially because I am directly connected to its topic.  7.5/10.

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