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Documentary: Forks over Knives

The documentary, "Forks Over Knives", discusses the severity of the standard diet in the 21st century, and the cataclysmic damage that is being done to our bodies. The documentary narrator says that the way to fix the growing medical problems is so simple that it is often overlooked countless times; Cutting out the amount of animal products and processed foods we eat could save our lives. The documentary centers around two nutritional scientists: Dr. Campbell, scientist at Cornell University. These men say that the way to improve the health around the world is to eat a plant based diet. While the first thought to this is probably disdain for most, thinking that Campbell is advising the human race to eat grass, it is actually vastly different. An abundance of fruits, vegtables, natural grains, and nuts and seeds is the key to maintaining a healthy life. This, of course, doesn't mean that there is a necessity to rid your diet of all junk food, but rather eat at Mcdonalds once every two weeks, instead of once a day. Campbell himself is a vegan, meaning no animal products are apart of his diet at all, and he feels that this lifestyle is the best one to live on. Not only will this help the 2/3's of the population that is overweight, but it will also help the environment. The environment is not only decaying because of the trash and chemicals omitted into it every second of the day, but is also because of the mass production of animal products. Land is needed for the animals, trees are torn down, and more and more places are ridden with bacteria from the animals where it should not belong. Finally the horrible treatment of the animals in the meat industry would become extinct. The treatment of these animals is truly unethical and this documentary brings much needed light to the subject. I am really interested on veganism and the food industry as a whole, so I thoroughly enjoyed this documentary. I give it a 9/10.

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