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Christopher Nolan Film

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

I never went and watched this movie due how many people I heard didn't like it, my family included.  Even so, I finally got around to watching it, and I too was a bit disappointed.  I never felt introduced to the main villain, Bane, and it's boring/tiring to watch another villain who just wants to be evil for the sake of evil.  At least the Joker had some hinted backstory/obvious insanity.  The relationships between most of the characters felt very not cohesive with too little time given towards building them.  There were too many monotonous, uninspiring moments and too few personal moments.  I was disappointed at how rushed Bruce Wayne's climb out of the prison cave was because it could've been an incredible scene.  However, like in most Nolan films, the cinematography was beautiful and extremely high quality.  The music was also very well done as usual with Hans Zimmer.  The costumes and props (batmobile) were super sleek and realistic, but hey that doesn't keep me interested.


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