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Minions movie review

For my movie this week I watched the minions movie. I absolutely loved both despicable me movies and admittedly find the minions utterly hilarious so I was beyond excited for this movie. And the opening did not disappoint, with a series of short, quirky and comical bits of the minions steering the most evil people of all time into disasters. However the movie soon takes a somewhat disappointing turn. I never thought I would say this as a negative manner, but a plot begins to develop. the thing that made the minions so funny was their nonsensical slapstick style of humor. So the development of some half-baked plot which centers around the minions being manipulated by Sandra Bullock into stealing the queen of England's crown and then fighting back against her betrayal of them. While there was nothing in particular wrong this plot, it was nothing special either. If you put the minions in a traditional box and expect it to be a particularly compelling movie, you're going to be disappointed because that is by definition a departure from what makes the minions work. This movie had some incredibly funny moments, such as the beginning or Nixon's billboard or when Bob becomes the king of England, but on the whole the movie is just kind of null and void, it isn't bad by any stretch of the imagination, but it simply pales in comparison to its potential and the amazing movies that came before. I would give this film a five out of ten and would only reluctantly watch it again.

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