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A simple plan Film Noir

This week I watched the film A Simple Plan for the genre of Film Noir. The movie is about three friends who are completely different, one is smart, one is dumb, and the other is just there to hang out. While trying to track down a fox, the three stumbled across a plane. Inside this plane they found a bag containing four million dollars. Both of the somewhat dumb characters, Jacob and Lou, want to keep they money but Hank thinks they should give leave it there. After some convincing, they decide to keep it and wait until next spring and if no one claims it they will divide it and keep it. Of course this does not happen and insecurities make their way into the story as characters end up dying and each friend kills another or even kills family members. The three friends end up distraught and the money is burned. The film uses techniques of moving shots and camera angles as well as over the shoulder and showing only certain amount of people’s bodies. The theme of the movie centers around greed. Overall I thought the movie was alright and I would give it a 6 out of 10 and would probably not recommend it to a friend.

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